Thursday, October 9, 2014

Surf Art Generator Competition Combines Activité with Clean Energy Design

This type of competition makes good sense to mankind. The Land Art Generator Thing (LAGI) just announced the safe bet of its 2014 competition, > Any Solar Hourglass by Santiago Divisiones Cortés of Buenos Aires, Argentine.

Located in Refshaleøen, Denmark, the work of the Solar Hourglass is, furthermore explained on the site A as Coding:

"Rather than using sand that can measure time, The Solar Hourglass uses the power of the sun to charge hundreds of homes while providing a exceptional setting for inspiration and leisure. The installation consists of an superior raw and a lower bulb. Dozens of others can gather on the bottom bulb each day, sheltered by the shade of the popular bulb. The project works as a photo voltaic central receiver, consisting of an accommodement of small flat mirrors in which concentrate their reflection of solar power on a tank holding a heater medium. "

As stated on any website, the goal of the Land Activité Generator Initiative is to "see in to the design and construction of neighborhood art installations that uniquely include aesthetics with utility-scale clean effort generation. The works will in order to inspire and educate while run renewable power to thousands of homes internationally. " This competition calls for site-specific designs from interdisciplinary teams—art in which inspires and educates while furthermore generating renewable electricity to the city for a utility scale.

LAGI has organize a free 73-page guide to the design of alternative energy projects. It's available here. —Ruth McCambridge

You will find this solar powered generator via click here. There is another article about solar generator, visit here.

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